Written by ECSKC Chairperson
Wednesday, 13 October 2021 13:17 |
Club meets, which are classified as 'outdoor group activities' under the Covid-19 guidelines, are allowed to take place with no restrictions. In order words, club meets are no longer limited to 15 people.
The club requests that anyone intending to attend a club meet notifies the meet organiser by either
- posting on the topic created for the club meet; or
- notifying the trip/meet organiser by private message.
Please note that, in exceptional circumstances, the meet organiser may limit the number of people attending a meet if there are insufficient experienced club members also attending the trip.
ECSKC Chairperson
13 October 2021
Written by ECSKC Chairman
Saturday, 05 September 2020 14:17 |
Managing numbers at Club Meets
Because of government COVID-19 health measures in place now, ECSKC is limited to a max of 15 paddlers at our club meetings. The club requests that attendance at meets is booked through the ECSKC web site. Where it looks like more than 15 paddlers are booked for a session, the club will endeavour to put on another meet, otherwise the club will operate meetings on a first booked priority basis.
Detailed procedure:
- Attendance at meets to be booked through the ECSKC web site.
- Those who cannot (or do not want to) use the site can get another to book their place (incl meet lead). This is important to ensure the meet leaders see how many other paddlers are booked.
- If too many book a place AND a second leader is available, the overflow will be led in a separate group.
- The second group should lead out from a separate location OR separate time (e.g. 30 minutes later).
If no alternative leader is available, the club asks that people in the overflow group (or showing up without booking) respect government restrictions and NOT go on the water with the club.
ECSKC Chairman,
5th September 2020
Last Updated on Saturday, 05 September 2020 14:18 |
Written by ECSKC Committee
Friday, 22 May 2020 21:20 |
Plans for easing of COVID19 Restrictions from 18-may onwards
ECSKC Committee reviewed the government’s May 1st announcement on the easing of COVID19 restrictions. The Committee notes that, with the exception of extended range (to 5Km) the key restrictions on gatherings remain in place. From 18th May onwards, the Committee re-introduce cub activities in a controlled manner. The Committee noted the advice provided by Canoeing Ireland in this regard.
The following is the policy for club led trips:
- Club members should not attend meetings if they have been exposed to or are suffering from any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
- Club meets limited to a maximum of 4 participants at any one time.
- Club members will practice social distancing both on and off the water.
- Members are requested to travel individually to the club trips and avoid gathering in groups larger than four at one venue.
- It is the duty of every paddler to avoid conditions and scenarios where capsizes are likely.
- On the water:
- Helmets will be worn;
- Paddle leash will be used;
- All paddlers must wear a neck gaiter, buff or scarf.
- In the event of a capsize, paddlers are expected to self rescue. If self rescue attempts fail, assistance may be provided, if necessary (e.g. Coast Guard, RNLI or assisted rescue). In the event of paddler assisted rescue the heel hook rescue technique is recommended.
- Good hand hygiene to be observed throughout.
The Committee recommends that club members on non-club trips (peer paddles) follow these guidelines and also refer members to the leaders equipment schedule published on the ECSKC.
ECSKC Committee
Written by ECSKC Committee
Thursday, 11 June 2020 22:06 |
[b][u]Easing of COVID19 Restrictions from 8th June[/u][/b]
Phase 2 of Canoeing Ireland’s Return to Paddling Guidelines come into force from Monday 8th June 2020 and on Friday the government made changes to Phase 2 rules. The key changes are the extended range (to 20Km or your county) from home you can travel to go paddling and an increase in the maximum size of gatherings (to fifteen persons). Club meets are being organised through the ECSKC website in a controlled manner. You are asked to follow the policy for club led trips (see below) and leaders’ instructions during those trips:
- Club members should not attend meetings if they have been exposed to or are suffering from any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
- Club meets limited to a maximum of 15 participants at any one time.
- Club members will practice social distancing both on and off the water.
- Members are requested to travel individually to the club trips and avoid gathering in groups larger than four at one venue.
- It is the duty of every paddler to avoid conditions and scenarios where capsizes are likely.
On the Water:
- Helmets will be worn;
- Paddle leash will be used;
- All paddlers must wear a neck gaiter, buff or scarf;
- In the event of a capsize, paddlers are expected to self rescue. If self rescue attempts fail, assistance may be provided, if necessary (e.g. Coast Guard, RNLI or assisted rescue). In the event of paddler assisted rescue the heel hook rescue technique is recommended;
- Helmets will be worn.
Good hand hygiene to be observed throughout; The Committee recommends that club members on non-club trips (peer paddles) follow these guidelines. I refer paddlers to the published on the ECSKC website.
These measures will be amended for future phases. For example, it is expected that Phase 3 (from 29th June) allows travel outside your ‘region’.
Club Committee, East Coast Sea Kayaking Club
Last Updated on Sunday, 20 June 2021 21:52 |
Written by ECSKC Committee
Thursday, 07 May 2020 20:39 |
Club plans for easing of COVID19 Restrictions.
ECSKC Committee reviewed the government’s May 1st announcement on the easing of COVID19 restrictions.
The Committee notes that, with the exception of extended range (to 5Km) the key restrictions on gatherings and social distancing remain in place. Accordingly, club trips will not be organised until the next Phase 2 which is scheduled for 08-Jun-2020.
ECSKC will consider organised meets during Phase 2 in a controlled manner. The club will take account of the advice provided by Canoeing Ireland in this regard.
The Committee will continue to keep the situation under review.
Club Committee,
East Coast Sea Kayaking Club
Last Updated on Thursday, 07 May 2020 20:40 |
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