East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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Leader's Equipment PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Sunday, 13 February 2011 12:26

The following equipment list is a recommended list for club leaders.The sea state will dictate exactly which items a leader should carry having made his/her own risk assessment. All club members are encouraged to carry items on this list.

  1. Packed lunch (unless the trip is very short)
  2. Flask with hot drink
  3. Emergency food and drink
  4. Spare clothing
  5. First aid kit
  6. Torch
  7. Whistle
  8. Matches and/or lighter
  9. Flares (one red parachute flare and one red pinpoint flare). LED Flare, Strobe.
  10. Tow and deck lines
  11. Bailing pump and/or sponge
  12. Kayak/equipment repair kit
  13. Spare paddle.
  14. Charts/maps
  15. Trip planning data and related information
  16. Compass
  17. Watch
  18. Group emergency shelter (kisu)
  19. VHF radio
  20. Mobile phone
  21. Helmet
  22. Covid19 items: Due to Covid19 Leaders are advised to carry the following additional items - Latex gloves, face masks, hand sanitiser.
Last Updated on Friday, 12 June 2020 13:17

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