East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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East Coast Sea Kayak Club is a sea kayaking club based on the east coast of Ireland. It was founded in 2002 and currently has 100+ members, some of whom are relative beginners and some of whom are very experienced.

The club organises sea kayaking meets every Saturday throughout the year. It also organises Wednesday evening trips from mid May to mid September. These trips are usually from a location near Dublin such as Wicklow, Greystones, Bray, Bulloch Harbour, Howth, Malahide, Rush or Skerries. Longer, multi-day trips to locations further from Dublin, such as the Copper Coast, West Cork, Connemara and Donegal, are often organised in the summer months.

The club provides a supportive environment for members interested in developing their sea kayaking skills through training events and subsidies


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1 About John Dempsey 4789
2 Aims Alan Horner 4582