Join East Coast Sea Kayaking Club (ECSKC) as a member and get regular meets, social events, subsidised training, access to club equipment, a regular newsletter, members' access to this website and more! (See the full list of membership benefits.)
As a further convenience you can also opt to join the Irish Sea Kayaking Association (ISKA). ISKA is an organisation which provides meets, a newsletter, some training and representation for sea kayakers at a national level.
To sign-up please choose from the following subscription options and complete the form below. You will need: An email account. If needed, you can get a free Google email (gmail) account, or there are many other providers of free email.
If you are a member, your current CI membership details.
Please enter your real name, so that we know who we're dealing with, but also choose a memorable username and password to use for logging in to the website as a member. Do not use a password that might be easy to guess! Unless you choose otherwise, a link to an email form will be shown on your profile so that other members can contact you. Note that your email address will never be visible to members (or the public), even through the email form.
Public  |
Please complete as much of the contact information as is relevant. The postal address is used to send club newsletters, receipts, membership cards etc. Of this information, only the mobile phone number will be visible to others (members only) on your profile, unless you choose otherwise.
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Please give us an indication of your sea kayaking background. |
If you are a member of Canoeing Ireland, please enter your CI membership number and expiry date below. |
Please tell us whether you are already a member of the Irish Sea Kayaking Association (ISKA). |
Please read the terms and conditions linked above in full and indicate your acceptance with the check box above. Note that the terms and conditions relate to club membership including participation in club meets and not simply to website usage.