East Coast Sea Kayaking Club



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  • Liffey Descent 2016
  • Bohemia Shelter, Lisianski Strait, SE Alaska, 2009
  • Sunfish
  • Don't drink Yellow Icebergs !!!!
  • Sea Kayak Race Start 3

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Club Meets and Covid-19 restrictions PDF Print E-mail
Written by ECSKC Chairperson   
Wednesday, 13 October 2021 13:17

Club meets, which are classified as 'outdoor group activities' under the Covid-19 guidelines, are allowed to take place with no restrictions. In order words, club meets are no longer limited to 15 people.

The club requests that anyone intending to attend a club meet notifies the meet organiser by either

  • posting on the topic created for the club meet; or
  • notifying the trip/meet organiser by private message.

Please note that, in exceptional circumstances, the meet organiser may limit the number of people attending a meet if there are insufficient experienced club members also attending the trip.

ECSKC Chairperson

13 October 2021



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