East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

Home > Library > ECSKC Library > ECSKC_DVDs > ECSKC_DVD_Technical > ECSKC_DVD_Technical
Library: Technical
Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Status
no-img_eng.gif  Rolling a Kayak Ken Whiting 0   1013 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  Sea Kayaking - The Ultimate Guide Ken Whiting & Alex Matthews 0   998 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  All about Kayaking - Fun for everyone: family, friends and fishing... Performance videos.com 0   954 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  Rough Water Handling Olly Sanders 0   937 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  Sea Kayak Safety Leo Hoare and Olly Sanders 0   973 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  Rolling with Maligiaq Jessie Heath 0   907 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  In the Surf! Performance Surf Kayaking,basics and beyond Kent Ford 0   986 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  Modern Greenland Kayaking Dubside 0   928 Availeble
no-img_eng.gif  Greenland Rolling Volume 1 Dubside 0   903 Availeble