Welcome to 2014 and what I hope will be a fabulous kayaking year for everyone.
Here is some news and updates:
Now is the time to renew your membership. Canoeing Ireland membership is still a must if you are a club member, whether you have an existing individual membership or if you renew through the club. This is primarily for insurance purposes and allows us all to paddle at club and other CI affiliated events with 3rd party cover, including pool sessions etc.
To renew - Make sure you are logged on, click on the membership tab on the left side of the homepage and click the subscription renewal tab which is the first on the page.
If you have any issues with renewing online just give me a call.
The pool sessions start next Tuesday January 7th in the Clondalkin Leisure Centre from 9pm to 10pm. The sessions run for The 10 consecutive weeks ending on March 11 2014
For more details follow this link:
The AGM was a great success and thanks to all involved in making it happen, including photo contributions and raffle donations.
For those who missed it, there was a great meal, slideshow of some of the years highlights, and of course the AGM, where there was a healthy debate on some of the current issues such as insurance and governing bodies – yes, lots of fun!
While we are waiting for the website to be updated, here is a list of the current committee:
Chairperson: Conor Murray
Meets Officer: Leon Conway
Training Officer: Eddie O’Shea
Leaders Rep: Michael O’Farrell
Social Secretary: Alan Finn
Treasurer: Niall Casement
Librarian/Quartermaster: Willie Collins
Co-opted members to help with the general committee:
And finally… a huge Thank You to all who helped out during the year. Especially the leaders, who volunteer and give up their time each week to provide a year-long calendar of events. To the committee and outgoing committee members who have all contributed to keeping the club active and fresh. And to you the members, for being part of a very special group of paddlers.
Happy Paddling