East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

Home > Help > How to upload a file to the website for others to download
How to upload a file to the website for others to download PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Friday, 10 September 2010 10:24

Members can upload just about any file to the website, so that others can download it later at their leisure. Once uploaded the file will be visible to users through the repository, available from the downloads link on the main menu. Link(s) to the file can also be added straightforwardly to any article or forum submission so that users can navigate directly to the right file to download.


  1. You must first log-in to the website.
  2. Click the "submit file" link from the user menu to navigate to the upload form.
  3. Browse and select the file to be uploaded in the "new file" box.
  4. Under "suggest location" pick the directory to which the file should be uploaded. Be careful: any members directory (eg. members/upload) is visible only to members when logged-in, whereas any public directory (eg. public/upload) is publically visible ie. without a login required.
  5. The file title is a plain text description of the file content, not necessarily the filename. The description is for a longer description of the file contents. Both are shown to users to help them decide whether to download.
  6. Fill in the remainder of the information as appropriate, click "Submit File" and you're done!

File(s) that you have uploaded will be visible immediately to you and others through the repository. Navigate to the file through the downloads main menu link to see the result.


  1. Files must conform to a list of common file types. This includes most of the standard document and archive formats including Word, Excel, Acrobat (pdf), Zip and such like.
  2. File size must not exceed 5Mbytes. Please try to minimise file size before uploading.
  3. Members can upload only to the public/upload or members/upload directories. Committee members can upload to any directory.

Further information

Details about how to insert a link to your file into an article or forum posting are available here.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 December 2011 11:06

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