East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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How to change your password PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Tuesday, 14 September 2010 19:40

Changing your password to something that you can remember easily is a good idea, to avoid frustration when it comes to logging on. It's also a good idea to change it if you suspect someone other than you knows your password. Here's how to do it.


  1. Log in to the website using your existing username and password.
  2. Click "My Profile" either from the user menu (left column) or from the top of the forum.
  3. Just above your picture (avatar) you'll see a grey button marked "edit". When you move the mouse pointer over the button a short menu drops down. Select the top option "Update your profile".

    Selecting update your profile

  4. Now you should be at the "Edit Your Details" screen, which should show a number of tabs. Select the "Contact" tab.

    Updating your password
  5. About half-way down the contact tab you'll see two boxes, marked "password" and "verify password". They'll be blank initially. Choose a new password and type the same password into both of these boxes. A good password is something memorable but which would be hard for someone else to guess, preferably including a few numbers and/or a mixture of upper and lower case letters.
  6. Click the update button at the bottom of the form and you're done.

The next time you log-in, remember to use the new password!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 20:02

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