East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

Home > Help > How to add your vote to gallery picture ratings
How to add your vote to gallery picture ratings PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Friday, 24 September 2010 09:23

Everybody can vote for all gallery pictures, whether you're a member (logged-in) or not. When you vote, you make an anonymous contribution to the rating associated with a picture. How you judge a picture to be good or bad is up to you and doesn't have to be the same as anyone else's approach. All of the votes for a given picture are averaged so that an overall rating between 0 and 5 is calculated, where 5 is best.

Ratings are important for several reasons. Firstly they encourage people to upload good pictures that everybody will want to look at. Secondly, the pictures shown at the top of the home page ("Favourites") are the highest rated pictures in the gallery. So, in effect, you get to choose which pictures you see on the home page! And thirdly, when viewing the gallery, pictures are ordered with the best-rated first so that the best are easiest to find.

Voting is easy, and anonymous!
  1. View the picture in the normal (not pop-up lightbox) mode. If others have already voted, you'll see a number of stars already filled in yellow, 4 in the example below:

    Gallery voting

  2. Decide how much you like the picture and click on the star that indicates your rating. For example, for a 2-star rating, click on the second star from the left.

All votes are anonymous and aren't traceable to any particular user, whether or not you're logged-in.

Last Updated on Friday, 24 September 2010 09:44

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