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The Club Library is homeless :'( PDF Print E-mail
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Saturday, 01 October 2011 08:58

Hi everyone,

My name is ECSCK Library -- I know, not easy to say is it. Talk about a good start in life...


For the past two years I have been happily nested on a shelf in Jess and Herve's warm and friendly home. They took me out regularly, I got to meet lots of members, went to their houses', and Jess updated me after every social. What a great time I was having!

And then last night, at another fantastic social in the Club (thanks Alan et al for a great evening), I WAS DUMPED!  I think it has something to do with Jess getting fat. She told me she couldn't take care of me properly anymore and that she wouldn't be able to take me to all the socials. 


So I am sending out a message to all of you, dear members, in a desperate hope to find a new warm and welcoming home. I don't need much attention, just regular updating, and I am very keen on going to all the socials so that I can meet lots of great interesting people (I don't travel to people's houses by post you see).


If you think you are the right person for me, please contact Jess:

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Thank you,

ECSCK Library

Last Updated on Friday, 16 December 2011 15:26


0 #1 Dermot Finn 2012-02-04 14:20
hey, you have a home now.