Dear Members,
I hope you had a good paddling year so far, although it’s not quite over yet. Unfortunately (non-club members) Abigail, Barney Clodagh & Desmond have played havoc with our Saturday paddles in November & December we will have to wait it out for calmer days.
The club has around 100 members now and I hope all have taken part in some of the club events during the year. We have had a number of overseas trips in 2015 including Wales, France, Scotland & the Aeolian Islands off Italy plus, of course, numerous coastal trips on the East coast and other parts of Ireland.
For 2016 we plan more of the same and the first international trip of the season will kick off in February with the Storm Gathering Symposium at Anglesey, Wales, in February. There is a plan on the drawing board for Sardinia in the autumn and another return trip to Brittany in the summer. Keep an eye on the Forum for info on these and other social and training events during the year.
The club’s AGM will take place on January 15th (Friday) at the National Yacht Club, Dunlaoghaire Harbour. There will be a guest speaker and dinner provided by the club with a full bar at members cost. We expect between 50 and 60 in attendance. It’s always a good night, with plenty of social banter and of course some room for Committee Elections and motions from the floor and all that kind of stuff.
We will keep it light, as usual, so we can leave room for the Guest Speaker, our very own Sue Honan, who will give us an insight into her round-Ireland trip last summer.
Membership 2016
The renewal of your membership is now open and you will note that the membership fee has increased to €50 per head.
As was voted at the last AGM the Club has now taken out insurance to cover Club activities, and this includes Public Liability and Personal Accident cover for members (including Leaders), and Directors & Officers Liability.
It is therefore very important that you understand that membership renewal must be taken out prior to your taking part in club activities from 1st January 2016. We cannot therefore accept any delays to your renewal as you will simply not be registered and out of cover. So that’s the hard and fast rule.
Canoeing Ireland Membership
The club will no longer support registration of your CI membership through its website. This is down to changes at CI – so you will have to register with them separately once your CI membership is due. Check out their website here and there is also a link from the ECSKC website.
Please note that the club will continue to be affiliated to CI and we can avail of benefits such as kit and equipment for special events, including even a mini-bus, along with kayak trailers and kayaks (sea and river).
Rolling Sessions
The annual Rolling Sessions will start again in early January, based in Clondalkin Leisure Centre. The announcement on the Forum is imminent. Please keep a watchful eye out as the places go like hot cakes.
Hoping to see you at the AGM and/or on the water sometime soon.
Thanks, and wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful Christmas - and some salt water in your boots for the New Year!
