East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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Members see action at Liffey Descent PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Tuesday, 07 September 2010 10:45

Eight club members swapped the sea and in many cases their boats for an altogether different experience taking part in the Liffey Descent last Saturday (4th September). It was an action-packed day with members paddling in doubles, canadians, K1 race boats ... and even a few sea kayaks. Whilst for some it was obligatory to race, for many others it was just a bundle of laughs in a different environment. 

The start is in the K-club (golf) grounds at Straffan, staggered with the fastest boat classes going first. But there are still up to a hundred or so boats in each class and not much space between them. See what happened to our crew at Straffan Weir, just a few minutes after the start!


Club member results

Mens Senior General Purpose (137 finishers)
Position Time No. Name


2:47:59 104 Julian Haines
46 3:15:16 374 Dermot Finn
47 3:15:17 127 Herve Adam
 Masters General Purpose (84 finishers)
Position Time No. Name
10 2:47:11 28 Eddie O'Shea
Touring Kayak Doubles (61 finishers)
Position Time No. Names
18 2:51:58 728 Alan Horner, Margaret Farrell
Touring Canadian Doubles (69 finishers)
Position Time No. Names
36 3:30:31 609 Conal O'Flanagan, Eamon McElroy (WWKC)
Masters Racing Kayak (K1) (13 finishers)
Position Time No. Name
11 2:45:13 143 Michael O'Farrell


Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 September 2010 11:20


0 #4 Dermot Finn 2010-09-09 13:07
Aye up, it was a great day indeed. Cheers to Herve who waited for me at the portage. Perhaps not the best idea we ever had Herve. Here are some more photos for Bridins sister Catriona. The photos need to be edited as there are far to many.

0 #3 Conor Murray 2010-09-08 15:46
Great video and some great results too.
Count me in for next year!
+1 #2 Conal O'Flanagan 2010-09-08 12:04
Great footage, well done.
+1 #1 Eddie O'Shea 2010-09-07 12:13
Great Video. Well done Jo