East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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Managing numbers at Club Meets - 05 Sept. PDF Print E-mail
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Written by ECSKC Chairman   
Saturday, 05 September 2020 14:17

Managing numbers at Club Meets


Because of government COVID-19 health measures in place now, ECSKC is limited to a max of 15 paddlers at our club meetings.
The club requests that attendance at meets is booked through the ECSKC web site.
Where it looks like more than 15 paddlers are booked for a session, the club will endeavour to put on another meet, otherwise the club will operate meetings on a first booked priority basis.

Detailed procedure:

  • Attendance at meets to be booked through the ECSKC web site.
  • Those who cannot (or do not want to) use the site can get another to book their place (incl meet lead). This is important to ensure the meet leaders see how many other paddlers are booked.
  • If too many book a place AND a second leader is available, the overflow will be led in a separate group.
  • The second group should lead out from a separate location OR separate time (e.g. 30 minutes later).

If no alternative leader is available, the club asks that people in the overflow group (or showing up without booking) respect government restrictions and NOT go on the water with the club.


ECSKC Chairman,

5th September 2020

Last Updated on Saturday, 05 September 2020 14:18


+1 #1 Shane Gallagher 2021-09-26 17:38
Hi Can someone add me to the whats app group for new members

