East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

Home > Links > Miscellaneous

These miscellaneous links don't fit anywhere else at the moment. If you come back later and find a link gone, check for another more appropriate category in case one's been created since you last looked!


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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Performance Sea Kayak
The Performance Sea Kayak web site details various UK based records and challenges undertaken by sea kayakers over the years.
2   Link   Marine Dimensions
Marine Dimensions is involved in a wide variety of projects and activities that focus on enhancing knowledge, awareness and sustainability for the marine environment.
3   Link   Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group is dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of whales, dolphins and porpoise in Irish waters. Please report sightings!
4   Link   The Ecojel Project: Understanding jellyfish in the Irish Sea
EcoJel aims to assess the opportunities and detrimental impacts of jellyfish in the Irish Sea. Jellyfish sightings, pictures and details of common species. Please report sightings!
5   Link   Irish Marathon Canoeing
This is a discussion board where race events are advertised and discussed. There's a race calendar too.