This year we're again running pool sessions in Castlepark School pool, starting early in January. It's a great opportunity in particular for you to learn to roll a kayak in the warmth and comfort of a warm, modern, indoor swimming pool. As in previous years most of the pool will be available to members to practice and learn on their own or with the help of other more experienced members. However this year we've teamed up with Deep Blue Sea Kayaking to also provide professional instruction in the pool for those who want it, at a preferential rate.

What to do in the pool
Pool sessions are primarily used to learn and/or practice rolling a kayak, but they're also great to practice other things, like support strokes (low-brace, high-brace, sculling), balance exercises and self rescue. Intending ICU Level 3 candidates would be well-advised to take advantage of this opportunity to learn to brace and scull, as well as rolling.
Learn from experienced club members
If you've never rolled a kayak before, you can come along and learn from experienced rollers in the club on an ad-hoc basis, but you might be better off with a few evenings of professional instruction first (see below). If you can already roll but it's not very reliable, come and practice and get tips from the experts. If you're already an expert, don't forget about rolling the other side or any of the other 40+ different rolling techniques! There will also be at least one qualified instructor present every week plus other experienced paddlers to assist. Please note however that assistance will be on an ad-hoc basis.
Professional tuition from Deep Blue Sea Kayaking
If you've never tried to roll a kayak before, you'll probably benefit from a short course of professional instruction to get you started. It can take several sessions of 1:1 instruction before you've learned enough to be able to practice and develop on your own or with more ad-hoc assistance.
Deep Blue Sea Kayaking will be present with a couple of boats and instructors at most of the pool sessions. They will be happy to provide professional instruction at a preferential rate for members who have already paid for pool sessions with the club. To avail of the discount you need to first book and pay for pool sessions with the club and then contact Des or Sonja to book tuition with them.
Tuesday evenings, 8-9pm, 3rd Jan - 10th April 2012 inclusive.
Castlepark School, Castlepark Road, Dalkey, 300m from Bullock Harbour! (Map)
€20 for East Coast Sea Kayaking Club Members. This is a flat rate giving access for all 15 weeks!
Book and preferably pay online by credit card or Paypal. Or, you can pay by cheque or bank transfer, but in this case you must still book online and click "offline payment" when the option presents. You absolutely must book and pay in advance. Numbers are limited to avoid overcrowding. You cannot pay on the night.
- All users must be members of both East Coast Sea Kayaking Club and the Irish Canoe Union, for insurance reasons.
- Bring your own boat, clean, or arrange to share with someone else! The two club boats, decks and paddles will be available free of charge, but priority will be given to those who don't own one.
- Unused weeks are not transferrable between individuals. We think the price is extremely competitive even if you don't use all of the 15 weeks. We couldn't hold this price if we allowed transfers.
- Depending on numbers participating, you might not get a whole hour in the pool each week.
- The club exists and benefits enormously from the generosity of experienced paddlers assisting the inexperienced so that they learn and in time may give back to the club. If you have the capability to assist others to learn, please give a part of your time in the pool each week to helping others.
Where's online link to Paypal??
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