When and where?
Club introductory meets are run by the East Coast Sea Kayaking Club frequently during the summer months. Typically they're on a Wednesday evening and usually from either Bullock Harbour, or Bray. The usual meet time is 6.30pm (on the water by 7pm), but check the advertised details for the specifc meet of interest. The club has a couple of kayaks and other equipment for hire at a discounted rate, or you can rent commercially.
Paddlers who have progressed beyond their basic training, who are typically of "improver" level or thereabouts, are welcome to join us on these evenings. In fact, such paddlers would be welcome at any club meet given appropriate conditions, but we'll make a special effort to ease the transition to club paddling at these club introductory meets.
How to take part
To assist with planning for the meet and to ensure that we have sufficient leaders and experienced club kayakers present for the meet we need to know who's coming. Please send an email to the advertised meet leader, stating your name, roughly your level of experience (for example something like, introductory course last year and 3 improver sessions in the past 2 months) and whether you have paddled with the club before.
If you need a boat, don't forget to contact the club quartermaster or a commercial provider to make your own rental arrangements.
Club introductory meets are subject to appropriate sea conditions prevailing on the night and sufficiency of experienced leaders and experienced club paddlers. The club cannot absolutely guarantee the latter in advance, although almost always this works out fine. There is a possibility that you may be asked on the night not to paddle if the conditions are unsuitable for your own experience, or in the event that we don't have sufficient leaders and experienced club paddlers.
Check-out the new members guide for answers to common questions about club meets. Details about the usual meeting points for Dublin-area meets can be found here, whilst last-minute arrangements and weather-related or other changes can be found in the forum.
You can email questions to the club's meets organiser or find details of other committee members who may be able to help here.