East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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East Coast Sea Kayaking Club
Captain's Log Dec 2015 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Alan Horner   
Tuesday, 08 December 2015 23:50

Dear Members,


I hope you had a good paddling year so far, although it’s not quite over yet. Unfortunately (non-club members) Abigail, Barney Clodagh & Desmond have played havoc with our Saturday paddles in November & December we will have to wait it out for calmer days.


The club has around 100 members now and I hope all have taken part in some of the club events during the year. We have had a number of overseas trips in 2015 including Wales, France, Scotland & the Aeolian Islands off Italy plus, of course, numerous coastal trips on the East coast and other parts of Ireland.


For 2016 we plan more of the same and the first international trip of the season will kick off in February with the Storm Gathering Symposium at Anglesey, Wales, in February. There is a plan on the drawing board for Sardinia in the autumn and another return trip to Brittany in the summer. Keep an eye on the Forum for info on these and other social and training events during the year.



The club’s AGM will take place on January 15th (Friday) at the National Yacht Club, Dunlaoghaire Harbour. There will be a guest speaker and dinner provided by the club with a full bar at members cost. We expect between 50 and 60 in attendance. It’s always a good night, with plenty of social banter and of course some room for Committee Elections and motions from the floor and all that kind of stuff.


We will keep it light, as usual, so we can leave room for the Guest Speaker, our very own Sue Honan, who will give us an insight into her round-Ireland trip last summer.


Membership 2016

The renewal of your membership is now open and you will note that the membership fee has increased to €50 per head.

As was voted at the last AGM the Club has now taken out insurance to cover Club activities, and this includes Public Liability and Personal Accident cover for members (including Leaders), and Directors & Officers Liability.


It is therefore very important that you understand that membership renewal must be taken out prior to your taking part in club activities from 1st January 2016. We cannot therefore accept any delays to your renewal as you will simply not be registered and out of cover. So that’s the hard and fast rule.


Canoeing Ireland Membership

The club will no longer support registration of your CI membership through its website. This is down to changes at CI – so you will have to register with them separately once your CI membership is due. Check out their website here and there is also a link from the ECSKC website.

Please note that the club will continue to be affiliated to CI and we can avail of benefits such as kit and equipment for special events, including even a mini-bus, along with kayak trailers and kayaks (sea and river).


Rolling Sessions

The annual Rolling Sessions will start again in early January, based in Clondalkin Leisure Centre. The announcement on the Forum is imminent. Please keep a watchful eye out as the places go like hot cakes.


Hoping to see you at the AGM and/or on   the water sometime soon.

Thanks, and wishing you and yours a happy   and peaceful Christmas - and some salt water in your boots for the New Year!





Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 December 2015 23:51
Svalbard - Ice Bears and Islands PDF Print E-mail
Written by Committee   
Monday, 16 November 2015 21:10


Last Updated on Monday, 16 November 2015 21:21
News and Updates January 2014 PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 03 January 2014 21:03



Hi All,

Welcome to 2014 and what I hope will be a fabulous kayaking year for everyone.


Here is some news and updates:


Membership renewal

Now is the time to renew your membership.  Canoeing Ireland membership is still a must if you are a club member, whether you have an existing individual membership or if you renew through the club.  This is primarily for insurance purposes and allows us all to paddle at club and other CI affiliated events with 3rd party cover, including pool sessions etc.

To renew - Make sure you are logged on, click on the membership tab on the left side of the homepage and click the subscription renewal tab which is the first on the page.

If you have any issues with renewing online just give me a call.


Pool Sessions

The pool sessions start next Tuesday January 7th in the Clondalkin Leisure Centre from 9pm to 10pm.  The sessions run for The 10 consecutive weeks ending on March 11 2014

For more details follow this link:


AGM/Christmas Social

The AGM was a great success and thanks to all involved in making it happen, including photo contributions and raffle donations.

For those who missed it, there was a great meal, slideshow of some of the years highlights, and of course the AGM, where there was a healthy debate on some of the current issues such as insurance and governing bodies – yes, lots of fun!

While we are waiting for the website to be updated, here is a list of the current committee:

Chairperson: Conor Murray

Secretary: Tom Maguire

Meets Officer: Leon Conway

Training Officer: Eddie O’Shea

Leaders Rep: Michael O’Farrell

Social Secretary: Alan Finn

Treasurer: Niall Casement

Librarian/Quartermaster: Willie Collins

Co-opted members to help with the general committee:

Lonan Byrne

Conal Flannagan

Robin Kavanagh


And finally a huge Thank You to all who helped out during the year.  Especially the leaders, who volunteer and give up their time each week to provide a year-long calendar of events.  To the committee and outgoing committee members who have all contributed to keeping the club active and fresh.  And to you the members, for being part of a very special group of paddlers.

Happy Paddling




ECSKC Club Leader Requirements PDF Print E-mail
User Rating: / 1
Written by Michael O'Farrell   
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 22:27

The following are the clubs requirements for ECSKC club leaders as developed by the club leaders and ratified by the Club Committee:

  • Certified CI Level 4 or BCU 4* sea kayak skills.
  • VHF radio licence or equivalent.
  • REC3 or equivalent.
  • Successful mentoring, which will consist of: 
    • A minimum of 6 trips in varying type of water / sea conditions to include F4 and Moderate/Fresh sea conditions;
    • Where mentoring is carried out by 3 different club leaders; and
    • Followed up with a successful review by the mentors involved. 
  • Personal Equipment as per Canoeing Ireland (CI) Level 4 standards.
  • Leadership Training (on a course or as a module).
  • Club Leader candidates must maintain a log of their leadership related activities.

Candidate leaders may commence leadership mentoring before completing all requirements with the proviso that candidates have completed the following leadership requirements and are willing to become club leaders:

  • CI Level 4 / BCU 4* skills training completed; and
  • Successful completion of leadership training.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 June 2015 22:34
News and Updates September 2013 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 19 September 2013 11:14
Hi All,

I hope everyone had a great summer filled with fantastic kayaking and adventure.
But the fun isn't over yet.  While the midweek evening paddles have drawn to a close the club continues into the winter with trips every weekend and many other activities too.
  • East Coast Sea Kayak Race:  This Sunday 22 Sept, registration Bray yacht club at 11:30 Take part in our annual club race where you can take part to race or just for the craic.  There will be a selection of other racing kayaks there too and it's a great spectacle.
  • ISKA Symposium: October 12/13 This is a chance to catch up with paddlers from around the country, with courses and trips and there is never a shortage of entertainment!
  • AGM: Friday December 6th in Doheny & Nesbitts  - details to follow soon but please book the date in your diary.
  • Dublin Bay VTS Dock tour.  The postponed tour of the operations centre of Dublin port, which includes a boat tour of Dublin port is being rescheduled.  This really is a one off chance to get a fantastic tour of the harbour operations.  Details will be announced on the forum.
  • Photo Competition - Anyone who has any interesting pictures should send them on to me and the winner will be announced at the AGM
For details on all our events check out the calendar:  http://ecskc.eu/events-calendar
Autumn courses:  VHF and L3
L4 boot camps:  For anyone who has completed the L4 course
Details will be announced on the forum as course dates are confirmed
As always, any suggestions, ideas and points of view are welcome, so feel free to contact the committee or post on the forum.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 20:42

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