East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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East Coast Sea Kayaking Club
Pool sessions Jan - Mar 2013 PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Tuesday, 20 November 2012 00:00

We're changing pool this year to Clondalkin Leisure Centre, much bigger but equally warm and modern as previously and located just off the M50, not far from the Red Cow. It's a great opportunity in particular for you to learn to roll a kayak in warmth and comfort on dark winter evenings, but also a good sociable experience. As in previous years most of the pool will be available to members to practice and learn on their own or with the help of other more experienced members. Again this year we've teamed up with Deep Blue Sea Kayaking to also provide professional instruction in the pool for those who want it, at a preferential rate.

Last Updated on Saturday, 01 December 2012 07:29
Training Course - Level 5 sea kayak PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 08 November 2012 15:23

Canoeing Ireland is running a Level 5 personal skills course on February 9th and 10th 2013 (2 full days), at a venue to be confirmed. The course is open to all L4 sea kayak skills paddlers and equivalent (e.g. BCU 4 Star, FFCK Red award, German Level 4 etc.), and who are ICU/CI members.

Anyone is entitled to apply to attend this course as an individual, but the advantage of applying through the club is the total cost to you is just €140. This includes a 10% discount from Canoeing Ireland and the ECSKC subsidy in the form of an upfront reduction, so there is no need to get receipts and apply for an ECSKC reimbursement.

If anyone has any questions regarding eligibility, just get in touch by email or phone.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 20:43
Club trip to Anglesey PDF Print E-mail
Written by Julian Haines   
Thursday, 01 March 2012 12:20

Anglesey has a spectacular coastline with the added complication of strong tides. As well as being a varied and interesting paddle, it's a fantastic place for paddlers with a bit of experience to develop their skills. It's also a small enough island, with fast tide races on all the headlands, that we'll be able to choose our destination to suit the conditions on the day.


Last Updated on Thursday, 01 March 2012 13:21
IWDG presentation by Pádraig Whooley PDF Print E-mail
Written by Julian Haines   
Friday, 16 March 2012 12:47
Pádraig Whooley, Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) Sightings Coordinator returns to ECSKC to present on the very latest cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) research discoveries, news, and sighting/stranding trends along the East coast and further afield. This is a great opportunity to improve your understanding of the 24 cetacean species that can be found in Irish waters and to learn about how you can play a part in their conservation by contributing observations of marine megafauna species to the IWDG's recording schemes.  The tone will as always be informal and informative.  Hecklers welcome.  Expect push-ups if late....


Last Updated on Friday, 16 March 2012 13:42
Pool sessions Jan - Apr 2012 PDF Print E-mail
User Rating: / 2
Written by Julian Haines   
Friday, 16 December 2011 00:00

This year we're again running pool sessions in Castlepark School pool, starting early in January. It's a great opportunity in particular for you to learn to roll a kayak in the warmth and comfort of a warm, modern, indoor swimming pool. As in previous years most of the pool will be available to members to practice and learn on their own or with the help of other more experienced members. However this year we've teamed up with Deep Blue Sea Kayaking to also provide professional instruction in the pool for those who want it, at a preferential rate.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 December 2011 14:59

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