Written by Julian Haines
Sunday, 13 February 2011 12:26 |
The following equipment list is a recommended list for club leaders.The sea state will dictate exactly which items a leader should carry having made his/her own risk assessment. All club members are encouraged to carry items on this list.
- Packed lunch (unless the trip is very short)
- Flask with hot drink
- Emergency food and drink
- Spare clothing
- First aid kit
- Torch
- Whistle
- Matches and/or lighter
- Flares (one red parachute flare and one red pinpoint flare). LED Flare, Strobe.
- Tow and deck lines
- Bailing pump and/or sponge
- Kayak/equipment repair kit
- Spare paddle.
- Charts/maps
- Trip planning data and related information
- Compass
- Watch
- Group emergency shelter (kisu)
- VHF radio
- Mobile phone
- Helmet
- Covid19 items: Due to Covid19 Leaders are advised to carry the following additional items - Latex gloves, face masks, hand sanitiser.
Last Updated on Friday, 12 June 2020 13:17 |