East Coast Sea Kayaking Club

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What is a sit-on-top kayak? PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Julian Haines   
Sunday, 20 February 2011 12:16

These come in a huge variety of specifications and are often sold as "sea kayaks". Whilst they undoubtably have their uses, they are not permitted at club meets. They are generally shorter, wider and heavier than the touring sea kayaks paddled by club members, making them relatively slow to paddle and therefore difficult to keep up with the group. They also often do not have knee straps or other forms of bracing, which makes them harder to control in rough water.

Sit-on-top kayak

Sit-on-top kayak

Last Updated on Saturday, 01 August 2015 16:31


0 #1 Rachel Haslam 2011-04-06 15:51
Any sit-on-top kayakers out there?

I don't have the means to store or transport a proper kayak so I've bought an inflatable Seyvlor Sea Blade to paddle along the shore near where I live in Sandycove.

I'm aware of the dangers of paddling alone, even in calm water near the shore, so I'm looking for paddling buddies in the south dublin area who might be interested in a mini paddle with me from time to time?

I was a member of this club a few years ago and am familiar with most of the strokes thanks to Deep Blue Des :-) but never managed to eskimo roll successfully.

My boat isn't suitable for club meets so I'm hoping I can get out with someone local on some short, easy paddles during the fine weather.

Anyone out there in the same boat so to speak?! Please call, text or e-mail me if you are.

Tel 0878042137